[0:03] From hi-fi speakers i am mark whitney with today's educational minute try starting your speech this way begin with a quote or is that quotation i never know which i use a quote right it's an easy and effective way to grab people
[0:21] by the throat keep your quote short and related directly to the topic that your speech is about, right? Relate it to what you know is coming up and nobody else knows. And where do you get your quotation from? Friends, family, co-workers, internet, books, magazines, magazines, probably not magazines, TV, TV still around, a little bit of radio out there, podcasts. That's what you want. Podcasts. Quotes enhance a speech. It adds authority, it shows you did your research. It can be very funny too, dramatizes your points.
[0:57] So think about that next time you're wondering how to start a speech and that'll help you out. Here's an example, right? A speech on leadership could begin. Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th president of the United States once said, you do not lead people by hitting them over the head. That's assault, not leadership.
[1:15] MyHiFi.club, Substack.app, download it. It's all free.
[1:19] Music.
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